Tanann. An electrifying

Our investments are grounded on the insight and evidence that maritime electrification isn’t just good for the soul, it’s good business.

Tanann. Jump in.

Our Mission & Approach

Tanann accelerates the transition to marine electrification through pragmatic, efficient and cost-effective solutions.

Instead of searching for companies to invest in, we identify needs and start companies that solve problems. Our companies follow Tanann’s D8 design philosophy: Design for safety; design for cost; design for function; design for reliability; design for simplicity; design for manufacturing; design for service, and; design for sustainability.

Why do it?

A letter from the founder

In 2013, after a decade of optimizing lithium battery manufacturing operations in Asia, I moved to Seattle with my family. I’d always dreamed of living by the Puget Sound.

Orcas and whales are familiar creatures in the Sound, sharing the water with noisy and polluting boats. If you’re a diver, like me, you’ve also met the Great Pacific Octopus. They lurk not far from our ferry terminal. On shore, if you’re observant, you’ll see the inspiration for Tanann. The hummingbird is a delicate and graceful creature that flies with amazing efficiency and agility. As an engineer, I believe, that nature is our best teacher—and our greatest obligation. We learn from its wonders and should protect its treasures. That’s why Tanann exists.

As a lithium battery entrepreneur, my encounters with Puget Sound’s creatures fill me with that sense of responsibility. We know there are better solutions—and they’re available now. Marine electrification isn’t some distant dream. Factoring in only the cost of fuel and maintenance, boat electrification pencils out in the positive for impact and savings. It’s cleaner for our waters, and better for our souls.

For 20 years, I’ve seen the importance of timing investments ahead of the curve. At the right price point, markets convert. Tanann is focused on investments that will accelerate maritime electrification with low-cost solutions. Like the hummingbird, we plan to use our resources efficiently and be striking in our impact.

If you share the vision of a cleaner, more profitable, and sustainable maritime industry, we’d love to hear from you.


Mohammed Alobaidi

Managing Director

Jochen Schumann

Technology Director

Tony Heneberry

Investment Director—Asia


Nature’s Representative